Have A Bad Date? Report it! Reports are kept strictly confidential. Please use the following form to report a bad date. Incident TypeDate and Time of incident Bad Date Contact InformationList any and all contact informationTheir name / alias, email address, phone number, address etc. Only their phone number / email will be what others use to search.Phone numberEmail All other contact information will be confidential.Name / Alias Address Car / License Plate Any Other DetailsDid this bad date contact you in person, and if so where did this happen? Physical Description:Do your best to describe the bad date, using their height, weight, hair color, body / facial hair or baldness, body type, hygiene, genital sores or rashes, tattoos, assumed gender, etc.Type of Violence: Sexually assaulted Physically assaulted They used a weapon Other Theft: Robbed me Refused to pay Didn't pay the full rate Other Time Wasting: Booked and didn't show up Haggled my rate Over texted,emailed, called, or talked and never actually booked Never engaged in anything until time was almost up, and then asked / demand they want more of your time for free Complained they aren't satisfied Late and/or canceled last minute Other Behavior & Actions: Were verbally abusive Rude Giving bad / unsafe vibes Under the influence substances (Drugs or Alcohol) Requested unreasonable services pushing my boundaries Refused to wear a condom Forced me to do something I didn't agree to Drugged me Harassed / stalked me Threatened me Was not alone Other We do not report bad dates to the police or associate with the police. If you would like a copy of your report, you can email Sexworkersupport@maxottawa.ca and we will do our best to get you a copy. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.